
Credit Card Bills

What happens if a person doesn’t pay credit card bills?

Most people in the Landover area have at least one credit card. According to Experian, the average American has four credit cards. This can be a problem if a person is not able to pay their credit card each month. But what really happens when a credit card goes unpaid? The first month of not […]
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Can people keep their homes after they go into foreclosure?

When people in Maryland purchase homes, they generally have to take out mortgages on the houses, which can often last for 30 years. People know what their monthly payment is going to be and know what they will be able to afford at the time they purchase the home. However, 30 years is a long […]
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Credit card

Credit scores reach record highs for now

Average consumer credit scores have gone up during this year’s pandemic because of government relief efforts and lifestyle changes. However, credit scores may ultimately drop as delayed financial strains surface. This may ultimately require debt relief for cash-strapped consumers. Scores up The average credit score in this country was 711 earlier this month according to […]
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What are Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions?

While personal bankruptcy options provide protections to struggling consumers, Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions provide an added layer of protection that may address concerns filing parties may have with the bankruptcy process. Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions It is important for anyone who has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection to be familiar with what Chapter 7 […]
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Who can file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Debt is a heavy burden for a Maryland resident to carry on their own. When it becomes unmanageable, a person may feel as though their life is run by their struggling finances. Debt can create damaging problems for an individual’s credit and can prevent them from fully living their life. When debt becomes too much, […]
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Three facts about Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Personal bankruptcy can be a stressful and complex legal process. When a Maryland resident determines that bankruptcy may be a good option for them to remedy their overwhelming debts, they can choose to contact a knowledgeable personal bankruptcy attorney to support and advise them. This post does not provide any legal advice and specific questions […]
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